Monday, June 17, 2013

REVIEW: "hi, My nAMe is MiLLY"

by Heather Zeissler

In “Hi, my name is Milly”, author Heather Zeissler tells us about the difficulties and challenges of living with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). Through the eyes of Milly, a typical curious and funny 5 years old we learn about Malcolm, her little brother who lives with this disorder. Milly tells us of their close relationship and the ways she plays with him and helps him communicate.
In the United States alone there are thousands of children affected by CAS and its diagnosis is known to be on the rise. It’s my understanding that there's not enough literature or works of fiction that reflect the reality of so many families. Heather Zeissler knows that well, since she is the mom of a child diagnosed with Apraxia. In my opinion, “hi, my name is Milly” is her attempt to give families like hers a tool to identify and discuss the disorder. I’m sure that families that deal with this situation will find a useful resource in this book.
Mariana Llanos

Author Heather Zeissler studied Sociology at the University of Minnesota and has served on several non profit advisory and executive boards. She is currently working on a second story to follow Milly and brother Malcolm adventures.

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