Friday, September 13, 2013

Review: My Keyboard Was Hi-Jacked by Mammy Oaklee

My Keyboard Was Hi-Jacked is another story in the fun and simple storytelling style of author Mammy Oaklee. She writes from The Heart of the Bottoms Up 2/3 Acre and tells us what happened when her keyboard gets hijacked by non-other than a…creeper! You know, for a writer is a very big thing if you are unable to use your keyboard and Mammy tells us with innocence and humor how she felt in her moment of fright.

Well, we all have our fears and in my case I can relate to her phobia or every-bug-phobia perfectly! I think this story opens a door to talk about our particular fears, and how we can overcome them or at least live with them. This tale also show us the other side of the story. I always tell my children how horrific must’ve felt for the cricket that saw their shoes coming at it; he had no other choice than hopping high!

My Keyboard… made me double check my shoes this morning! Other than that it’s a story than I’m sure will be a delight to read with the family. Like in the previous book of these series, "Mailbox Kitten", the illustrations are beautifully done. And just so you know, Mammy Oakley, there are touch-screen keyboards now-a-days…and I’m writing this post in one of those.
Mariana Llanos

Author Mammy Oaklee is a city chick who always long to lived in the country side. Now she writes from where her heart always wanted to be.

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*A free review copy was given in exchange for my honest opinion.

Where to find My Keyboard was Hi-Jacked beside Amazon:



1 comment:

  1. Touch screen keyboards! Ohh, the fright of change and leaving my Jurassic keyboard! ;)


"Let your imagination go wild!"
